
Albuquerque Soaring Club

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Dues And Fees

Description Dues and Fees
Initiation $500 Initiation Flight Included
$0 Significant Other
$0 Student*
$0 Tow Pilot Only
Monthly Dues $50-Regular Member
$20-Associate and Tow Pilot Only
Missed Duty$100 (ops/tow pilot/instructor)
Pattern Tow$22 ~1400 ft maximum
Standard Tow$16 hookup PLUS $1.50 per 100 ft

* less than 25 years old and enrolled in an accredited learning program.

Aircraft Rental Hourly Rate
Schweizer 1-26*$30/hr
Libelle H-101*$40/hr
Grob 103*$40/hr
Condor Flight Simulator
with Instriction*

* 30 Minute minimum rental

Membership Obligations

Soaring is a labor intensive sport. The services of many people, other than the pilot, are necessary to launch and recover a glider as well as run the ASC organization. In order to keep the cost of soaring as low as possible, the ASC does not pay for support services other than FAA required certified maintenance, but instead, expects its members, as an obligation of membership, to provide these services without compensation. All ASC members are expected to perform their fair share of the work necessary to operate the club.

All ASC members are expected to discharge their financial obligations to the club in a timely manner so as not to force other members to carry this obligation for them.

Due to the large number of members and limited number of aircraft, members are expected to share the equipment in accordance with the club's directives and within the spirit of good sportsmanship.

Additional Info


Operations and Policy Manual

Application Form